rOpenSci HQ What would you like to hear about in an rOpenSci Community Call? We are soliciting your “votes” and new ideas for Community Call topics and speakers. Find out how you can influence us by checking out our new Community Calls repository. Videos, speaker’s slides, resources and collaborative notes from our Community Call on Reproducible Workflows at Scale with drake are posted. Help wanted!...
We want to know how you use rOpenSci packages and resources so we can give them, their developers, and your examples more visibility. It’s valuable to both users and developers of a package to see how it has been used “in the wild”. This goes a long way to encouraging people to keep up development knowing there are others who appreciate and build on their work. This also helps people imagine how they might use a package to address their research question, and provides some code to give them a head-start....
As announced in February, we now have an online book containing all things related to rOpenSci software review. Our goal is to update it approximately quarterly - it’s time to present the third version. You can read the changelog or this blog post to find out what’s new in our dev guide 0.3.0! Updates to our policies and guidance Scope We’ve introduced an important change for anyone thinking of submitting a package....
Teaching collaborative software development In the University of British Columbia’s Master of Data Science program one of the courses we teach is called Collaborative Software Development, DSCI 524. In this course we focus on teaching how to exploit practices from collaborative software development techniques in data scientific workflows. This includes appropriate use of the software life cycle, unit testing and continuous integration, as well as packaging code for use by others....
The free online book Open Forensic Science in R was created to foster open science practices in the forensic science community. It is comprised of eight chapters: an introduction and seven chapters covering different areas of forensic science: the validation of DNA interpretation systems, firearms analysis of bullets and casings, latent fingerprints, shoe outsole impressions, trace glass evidence, and decision-making in forensic identification tasks. The chapters of Open Forensic Science in R have the same five sections: Introduction, Data, R Package(s), Drawing Conclusions, and Case Study....